Wednesday 16 January 2008

you learn something new everyday

"Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform."

Web 2.0 is what virtuality explores. It is really difficult to pin point exactly what has influenced me throughout this module but I can honestly say that I always saw the internet as positive tool, an easily accessible source to everything and anything, but mostly an implement from which to extract information.

I reluctantly joined facebook after a friend created my account for me, since then I have spoken to so many people who I may never have seen again and racked up days of procrastination on due assignments. My mum and dad are both over whelmed, they would both like to join facebook, even though they do not understand how it works. Obviously I have said no i will not be your friend on facebook, I think they worry a lot about the privacy and security on web communities. I have been through msn messenger to the more open and accessible Myspace and now I still regulary abuse facebook.

So what's next is a big question for me? I have posted a link for the facebook song on this page- it's a brilliant parody, showing the 'social utilitys' true colours!

Having visited 'The simulation Argument, I have in my notes that 'I am very disturbed by this'. Along with Dr Cyborg with his unique virtual glasses invention the idea of simulism quite literally freaks me out....

'Universe 2029'
Let's take a leap forward. As computers become more and more advanced, and computing power is growing exponentially, it is not hard to imagine that in 2029, approximately 20 years after the release of Spore, a game would be feasible that simulates a large part of the universe, including many of its laws of physics. Having evolved from Pac-Man, Sim City folk, The Sims characters and Spore species, the characters of 'Universe 2029' will be very human-like. They will have emotions, social skills and, most important, (artificial) intelligence. If you take into account the advances in the field of computer graphics, 'Universe 2029' would probably look amazingly realistic too.

No thank you!! Although I do have sims on my phone!?!

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