Wednesday 16 January 2008


Examples of fraudulent identity can be found all over YouTube in the numerous home videos made by people who have created a life for themselves on the video sharing website through the medium of video log or VLOG! Some people depict true stories of themselves and use Vlogging as a form of escapism, some utilise the technology as an aid to something they’re working on like on
and then there are those who become weekly vloggers, accounting their life for all to see. Some maybe true to themselves, but others, it’s certain perform for the camera, portraying an alter ego for example who discusses with the world very intimate issues of self harm, mental health. I think that it is a scary thought that if I was broadcasting myself on YouTube, weekly or monthly- someone would know all my thoughts on the subjects I had discussed, someone could be using my vlogs in a project thousands of miles away from e like I am right now and I would never know.

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