Wednesday 16 January 2008

why vlog?

We're now going to create a short film about our everyday alter egos, using voice overs from customer service lectures on youtube and using vikki as our case study, displaying the several alter egos that she uses in her everyday life. Including around her family, at work, in the presence of authority and in a home environment around friends.
We'll be using abstract properties of sound and visual recording in the film and then use it in a live performance in class.
We have decided to use film as our chosen method of presentation as our self presentation project is stimulated by our online era, intrigued by the exploitation of the self online which, in turn, has lead to an intentional manner in which we present ourselves in day to day life. The Big Brother syndrome. Suspecting that there is always someone watching. The artist who form the group ‘Forced Entertainment’ comment;
‘Our work spans theatre and performance through digital media, video installation and publication. It is original, contemporary work that develops new forms and old to find the most effective articulation of its ideas.’

We believe that to articulate our ideas most effectively would be to upload our video onto YouTube and/or Facebook in order to engage the public, to encourage them to question whether or not they are being true to their personalities when they interact online.

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