Wednesday 16 January 2008

the essay

The essay allowed me to gain further knowledge in Virtuality and Performance, exploring Ians' weekly blog which was in parts useful, for example Philip Auslanders liveness versus media debate.
The society in which we live right now has been referred to as a media-saturated culture, Auslander reverses our traditional conception of the live preceding the
mediatized: “…whereas mediatized performance derives its authority from its reference to the live or the real, the live now derives its authority from its reference to the mediatized, which derives its authority from the live etc.”

I watched two performances by Bath Spas' Full Tilt company entitled 'Complex/Electra', the first using a range of media to its advantage and the second to be a faithful, live performance.I must admit to have been much more excited by the first, digital performance. This is all analysed in the essay.

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