Wednesday 16 January 2008

story board

Our first draft story board looks as follows;

Our Story board as follows;

1) Around Friends
2) Around Family
4) At Uni - classes, library, student life.
5) Performing - Rehearsals
6) Time alone
7) with different genders
8)interaction with media, telephone voice - elaborate upon, internet.

Initially, our proposal included staging a scene at work (in a restaurant) where the kitchen would act as a back stage area and as soon as Victoria had left the realness of a busy, crowded kitchen the scenario of delivering meals to a table would transform into a staged performance, over acted and brash. However we preferred the true presentation of the self with rather anonymous outbursts, opinions and advice on ‘true identity’ through the audio. We located You tube videos which helped us to gain an influence for our style of formation- allowing us to develop our content.

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